Hospital Info

Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities

Patients’ Rights

Kanto Central Hospital guarantees the following rights for patients in order for all patients and their families to work with our hospital to facilitate medical care that is based on a relationship of mutual trust.

  1. The right to respect for individual values and personal qualities and the right to receive medical care under a relationship of mutual trust and cooperation

    Every patient has the right to have their values and personal qualities respected, as well as the right to receive medical care under a relationship of mutual trust and cooperation with our medical professionals.

  2. The right to informed consent and self-determination

    When undergoing medical examinations or treatment, you have the right to be informed of your options by our medical professionals through the use of approaches and terms that you can understand. You have the right to make choices of your own free will, as well as to participate in the process of planning and deciding on your own medical treatment.

  3. The right to know your medical information and the principle of information disclosure

    If you have any doubts regarding your condition or medical treatment, you have the right to ask any questions to obtain this information. You also have the right to request the disclosure of your medical records by following the stipulated procedures.
    Regulations/Procedures (Medical Information Disclosure Request Form, Power of Attorney)
    Disclosure of Medical Information→

  4. The right to request a second opinion

    You have the right to request a second opinion about your condition or medical treatment from a doctor other than your attending physician. If you wish to obtain a second opinion from another doctor or healthcare institution, we will provide you with the relevant medical reports and materials.

  5. The right to privacy

    You have the right to have your privacy and your personal information obtained by our medical professionals in the course of your medical treatment strictly protected.

  6. The right to receive safe and appropriate medical care

    You have the right to receive safe and appropriate medical care in a comfortable environment where all necessary precautions to prevent medical accidents have been adopted.

Patients’ Responsibilities (Duties and Obligations)

We seek your understanding of your responsibilities as a patient in order for all patients and their families to work with our hospital to facilitate medical care that is based on a relationship of mutual trust.

In order to receive safe and appropriate medical care, patients are responsible for providing information about their health and medical conditions as accurately as possible to our doctors and members of our hospital staff.
In order to ensure that all patients have equal access to the appropriate medical care, patients are responsible for ensuring that they do not interfere with the medical care or hospital stay of other patients, or with the provision of medical care by members of our hospital staff.
In order to maintain a safe and comfortable environment for medical treatment, patients are responsible for abiding by all laws related to medical treatment and for complying with the regulations established by our hospital.