Hospital Info

Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities
Disclosure of Medical Information

Kanto Central Hospital adopts an active approach to the disclosure of medical information in the course of providing day-to-day medical treatment in order for all patients and their families to work with our hospital to facilitate medical care that is based on a relationship of mutual trust.
Patients who request the disclosure of specific medical records, duplicates, etc., are required to submit a disclosure request.
Please consult your attending physician if you need a referral to another hospital (medical report) or a second opinion.

Disclosure of Medical Information

In cases where patients request the disclosure of their medical information, our hospital shall disclose the information in accordance with the regulations governing the disclosure of medical information established by Kanto Central Hospital of the Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers.

*The statutory retention period for all medical records is five years.
  1. Who can make a disclosure request

    In principle, requests for the disclosure of personal information must be made by the patient in question, since this is considered personal information that is important to the patient.
    However, if the patient whose personal information is to be disclosed is deceased, the request must be made by a family member within the second degree of kinship. In the case of a patient who is a minor or an adult ward, a statutory representative may request disclosure on behalf of the patient. If the patient is 15 years of age or older, the patient’s consent is also required.

    *For disclosure requests made by someone other than the patient in question, please enquire in advance about the necessary documents that must be brought along.
    *In principle, we do not accept by-proxy requests made through law firms (except for adult guardians of patients). The patient is required to visit the hospital in person to make a disclosure request. After the request is made, the patient may designate a proxy to receive the disclosed medical information through a power of attorney.
  2. Medical information that can be disclosed

    Medical records (doctor’s medical records, nursing records, etc.)
    Prescriptions and examination records (blood tests, pathological investigations, etc.)
    Imaging data (X-ray films, etc.)
  3. How to make a disclosure request (Requests made by post are not accepted.)

    Operating hours: Weekdays (Mondays to Fridays), 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
    Please prepare the following documents and submit them to our hospital’s person-in-charge. The information will typically be disclosed within 14 days.
    However, this period may be extended to a maximum of 30 days if the disclosure cannot be made within 14 days due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, the requesting party will be informed of the reason for the extension in writing.

    “Medical Information Disclosure Request Form” (in our hospital’s format)
    Requesting party’s ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport, My Number card, or other forms of photo ID. If you do not have a photo ID, please prepare a combination of multiple forms of ID, such as your health insurance card and pension booklet, etc.)
    In cases where the request is made by a family member of a deceased patient, in addition to (1) and (2) above, the requesting party is also required to bring along proof of their relationship to the patient (e.g., a certified copy of the family register, the invalidated family register, etc.) and proof of the patient’s death (e.g., a certified copy of the closed family register, etc.).
    In cases where the request is made by a patient’s statutory representative, in addition to (1) and (2) above, the requesting party is also required to bring along a “Power of Attorney” (in our hospital’s format) and proof of their relationship to the patient (e.g., a certified copy of the family register, a certified copy of the closed family register, or other documents that prove that the requesting party is the adult guardian of the patient).
    *Please note that our hospital will retain a copy of the ID document presented after it is verified.
    Seal (Shachihata stamps are not accepted)
  4. Rejection of medical information disclosure request

    Our hospital may reject a medical information disclosure request, either wholly or in part, in cases where the medical information requested by the requesting party falls under any of the following.

    When disclosure of the medical information may cause significant harm to the patient’s physical or mental condition
    When disclosure of the medical information may harm the interests of a third party
    When disclosure of the medical information is deemed to be contrary to the interests of the minor, in cases where the disclosure request was made by a statutory representative of a minor
    When there are other reasonable grounds to deem the disclosure of the medical information inappropriate
  5. Cost of disclosure of medical information (prices stated include consumption tax)

    Disclosure fee: 5,500 yen
    Viewing fee (for up to 1 hour): 3,300 yen
    Reproduction fee (copying fee)
    • Electronic medical records: 22 yen per sheet (A4, b/w)
    • Paper-based medical records: 33 yen per sheet (A4, b/w)
    • Color: 55 yen per sheet
    • CD-ROM of imaging data (X-ray, CT, MRI): 3,300 yen per copy

    Please note that the disclosure fee must be paid at the time of making the disclosure request, and all other fees must be paid during the disclosure and handing over of the information.

  6. “Certificate of the Absence of Medical Records” for lawsuits involving hepatitis B and C (in cases where these records are not stored at our hospital)

    Please contact us at the following.
    It takes around one week for the certificate to be issued.

Contact Information

Please contact us by phone if you have any questions.
Operating hours: Weekdays (Mondays to Fridays), 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Medical Information Team, Medical Affairs Division: 03-3429-1171 / Ext. 2206
To make a request for the disclosure of medical records, please approach Counter 10 on 1F of the Medical Affairs Division.